Door 2 Artist Gallery

Adriana Caso
Adriana trained and worked in Italy as a sculptor and painter for over a decade before founding Door 2. Her work focuses on expressing the beauty, wonder, and transcendence she sees to all who will listen!

Michael Davis Seng
Michael studied fashion design in art school before earning his degree in music and then working in video production for a decade. His art focuses on how his lived experiences shape the way he sees the world around him.

Sara Hughes
Sara loves ceramics and photography but also loves painting and sculpting. She is inspired by nature and seeks to help people notice the details we often pass by in our busy lives.

Olivia Hull
Olivia has degrees from the University of Tennessee in Communications and Interior Design. She also has a background in graphic design and painting.

Studio Collaboration
As a studio we seek every opportunity to collaborate together to create beauty with and for our communities.